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Reflecting on My Core Values 

Equity, Inclusion and Respect

We must create healthy, vibrant and resilient schools that accommodate and respect the needs of all members of the community, where we promote responsibility, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment.


Discipline is not only progressive, but it is a learning opportunity, it is an opportunity for restorative justice.  The process of growing up is about learning how to develop healthy, caring relationships, learning how to deal with new situations.  In this way, bad decisions are opportunities for us to build better people. 


Excellence and Fiscal Responsibility

All learners (including adult learners) have their own unique interests, goals and strengths. Regardless of their situation, all learners, can learn and should have the same opportunity to succeed. As an aspiring superintendent, it is incumbent me encourage the highest quality learning environment for all learners.


The key characteristics of quality learning can be summarized as:


  • highly focused lesson design with sharp objectives (backwards design) with extensive use of the three part lesson plan 

  • Inquiry process with authentic learning tasks meant to solve real world problems

  • high demands of student involvement and engagement and use of high-yield strategies to support greater learning

  • assessment for/as/of learning through multiple and varied ways 

  • Fiscal responsibility is critical for the maintenance and continuance of programs.

  • Aligning resources to our academic goals help to ensure that we are investing funds in the right ways for the right purposes.


Catholicity and Integrity

Inspired by our faith in Christ, I will help to foster discerning, respectful and caring believers who are collaborative contributors and citizens.  All community stakeholders must know that they are a valued members of a Catholic community of faith.   They must feel  that they are in a place where diversity is not only the norm but is respected and celebrated.


School should help develop in student the sense that it is important to help those who are in need, be it on a local, national or international level.  Schools must build a strong sense of citizenship with Christ as role model.  As a Catholic community not only must we demonstrate our faith on a daily basis but we must passionately and tirelessly help those most in need.  It is important that we become a voice for those who have none.

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